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Ways to feed cats suffering from constipation

Ways to feed cats suffering from constipation

Ways to feed cats suffering from constipation
Feeding cats suffering from constipation is one of the solutions to treat constipation in cats. Constipation occurs when stools are too large or hard to be expelled from the body. Constipation is the likely cause when a cat passes little or no faeces, or when the stools are dry.

There are many factors that cause constipation in cats, including

1- Drought - due to:

*Cat disease

*Nutritional factors (for example, insufficient water intake) 

*Take medications

2- Digestive disorders - due to:

*Electrolyte imbalance

*Inflammation of the intestine (for example, inflammatory bowel disease)

*some medicine

3- Difficulty eliminating the toilet - due to:

*Pain (such as fractures in the pelvis or hind limbs and arthritis affecting the anal muscles)

*Bone problems

*Nervous system problems

4- Colon obstruction - due to:

*Foreign matter (for example, food negligence, hair resulting from excessive personal hygiene)

*Cancerous tumors

*Hernia / rupture

4 ways to feed cats suffering from constipation

Once you know that your cat is suffering from constipation, it should be treated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of permanent damage due to prolonged enlargement of the colon. Effective treatment identifies and corrects the underlying disorder (if possible), removes affected stools, and prevents recurrence. A thorough history (including analysis of diet and feeding habits), physical examination, blood analysis, and urinalysis are needed to rule out many causes of constipation. Radiographs (X-rays) of the spine and hind limbs may also be necessary to determine the underlying cause.

If your cat suffers from chronic constipation, adjusting the diet may help reduce the risk of recurrence.

1- Increase the amount of water:

*Feeding canned food, increasing your water intake will improve hydration and soften stools.

*Add water to dry food if your cat won't eat canned food.

*Use water fountains or running water sources.

2- Weight loss:

*Diets rich in fiber help some cats lose weight and increase bowel movements.

*Eating high protein, low-carb (and low-fiber diets) is very similar to a cat's natural diet.

Doing exercises to lose weight and help stimulate a bowel movement.

3- Use fast-digesting diets:

*Helps reduce stool output

*It might reduce inflammation in the intestine

*Reducing bone system disorders

4- Use fiber in cat food: 

This is one of the types of foods that help as a natural remedy in treating constipation

*Insoluble fibers (cellulose, wheat bran, and oat fiber) collect stool and help speed up bowel movements when there are no digestive disturbances.

*Soluble fiber (pectin, oat bran) nourishes colon cells and helps improve digestive movement disorders.

*Mixed fibers (psyllium, beet pulp, pea fiber) have benefits of both types of fibers.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of your cat's constipation and determine the best diet for treating it, or at least improving this problem.

