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The Yorkshire Terrier ... America's spoiled dog

The Yorkshire Terrier ... America's spoiled dog

The Yorkshire Terrier ... America's spoiled dog

Yorkie dog is characterized by being small in size but has an independent, strong and unique personality, it does not differ from giant dogs except in body size. A naughty dog, but it is loved among people, it has won the admiration of many because of its dedication and loyalty to its owners, and it has a stylish and beautiful appearance. The dog of this breed looks very proud of himself, and why not? It has long silky fur and has a very nice and playful personality. He is one of the most famous dogs in the world of breeds, and he is sure to attract attention wherever he goes, due to his cute and eye-catching appearance. Because he is so small, he often travels with his family and companions in dog luggage for small dogs. Yorkies are wonderful and very affectionate companions, and they also love to be pampered and sympathetic to their loved ones.

Yorkies are distinguished by loyalty, they are loyal and loyal friends, but sometimes they are not comfortable with strangers, and will bark loudly when they are seen. So it is important to teach and train them when to stop barking so as not to disturb the neighbors. They can also be very aggressive towards strange dogs.

Despite his bravery, the Yorkshire Terrier also has a soft side, he needs a lot of attention and spend enough time with his family and companions ..

It is not in his interest to leave him alone for long hours, as this may cause him to become depressed and he will be sad all the time. But this does not mean that you should exaggerate in pampering and carrying the dog, because this will affect his personality negatively, and also do not exaggerate the fear of him because this will make him feel that the world is a dangerous place and this will make him very aggressive. It has charming fur, a brave personality, and loyal to its family and companions, so it is not surprising that the Yorkshire is the second most popular dog breed in the United States today.

It is not in his interest to leave him alone for long hours, as this may cause him to become depressed and he will be sad all the time. But this does not mean that you should exaggerate in pampering and carrying the dog, because this will affect his personality negatively, and also do not exaggerate the fear of him because this will make him feel that the world is a dangerous place and this will make him very aggressive. It has charming fur, a brave personality, and loyal to its family and companions, so it is not surprising that the Yorkshire is the second most popular dog breed in the United States today.

The history and upbringing of the Yorkshire Terrier

During the Industrial Revolution in England, Scottish workers came to Yorkshire to work in the coal mines and textile mills, and they brought with them a dog known as the Clydesdale Terrier or the Paisley Terrier. These dogs were much larger than the Yorkshire Terrier we know today, and it is believed that their job was primarily to catch mice in mills and flour silos. These small dogs were blue-gray with fairly long hair, and usually weighed about 4 kilograms. The Yorkie Terrier was popular with the rich and the nobility, and even people who did not care about them could not deny the beauty of the breed.

In 1861, a Yorkshire Terrier was shown on a bench show as a "Scotch Terrier". A dog named Huddersfield Ben, born in 1865, has become a popular show dog and is considered the father of the modern Yorkshire Terrier. This breed was given this name in the year 1870 because this is where most of its development took place. In 1880, the Yorkshire Terrier entered America, but the size of this breed varied greatly. Now the modern Yorkshire Terrier dogs are one of the smallest and most luxurious dog breeds. Yorkshire Terriers were first registered with the British Kennel Club in 1874. The first Yorkshire Terrier Club was formed in England in 1898.

The size of Yorkshire Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier is 27 to 33 centimeters long at the shoulder and weighs between one and a half to three kilograms It is considered a small dog in size, and is similar to the Chihuahua dog and the Pomeranian dog in terms of small size

The character and features of the Yorkshire Terrier

This dog loves to play in green spaces There are many characteristics that are talked about by breeders and lovers of Yorkies, which we will mention to you in detail

**The Yorkshire Terrier is characterized by being very intelligent and self-confident, and his character is distinguished by loyalty to his owners, fun and adventurous spirit.

**Yorkies have many personalities, some of them are lovable and cheerful and want nothing but to follow in the footsteps of their owners throughout the day, and others are aggressive towards others

**Set boundaries for your dog not to cross, and your "Yorkie" will be a great companion, but if you mess it up, be careful!

**The dog is curious, stubborn and bold and can be firm and serious with strange dogs and other pets

**It is very important to train the dog from early on and try to correct the bad habits of the dog, to make it easier to deal with him after that and to be a polite and obedient dog.

**Yorkies need early socialization and exposure to many people when they are young, this helps ensure that a Yorkie is a friendly and social dog.

Health problems facing a Yorkie

A Yorkie can suffer from many health problems, such as: Dislocated knee: It is a common problem in small dogs, and this causes leg lameness or an abnormal gait in the dog. The friction caused by a kneecap dislocation can lead to arthritis. Severe degrees of patellar swelling may require surgery. Progressive retinal atrophy: a degenerative disorder of the eye. It is blindness resulting from the loss of the photoreceptors in the back of the eye

PSS: This is an abnormal blood flow between the liver and the body. This is a big problem, since the liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body. It can cause neurobehavioral abnormalities, lack of appetite, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), intermittent digestive problems, urinary tract problems, and stunted growth. Signs usually appear before two years of age.

Hypoglycemia: Like many dogs, Yorkies can suffer from hypoglycemia when stressed, especially when they are puppies. It causes weakness, confusion and a wobbly gait. If your dog is prone to this, talk to your veterinarian about prevention and treatment options.

Tracheitis: The trachea, which carries air to the lungs, tends to become inflamed easily. The most common sign of a collapsed trachea is a chronic, dry cough. It can be treated with surgery or diet.

Caring for a Yorkie

In general, pay attention to the vaccination schedule for dogs and do not be lazy about it, as you should give worms tablets and insect ampoules. A Yorkie enjoys walking with you or playing outside, but since they are very active while indoors, it doesn't take much effort while walking. Yorkies are generally receptive to training, especially if it brings them attention to performing gentle tricks or performing in experiences of agility or obedience. They do not tolerate extreme temperatures or cold, so many people train a Yorkshire so that they do not have to take them outside when the weather is very hot or cold. It is very important to brush a Yorkie’s fur, as it has long fur and needs to be brushed.

Yorkies' behavior with children and other animals

Yorkies are distinguished by a small size and long, shiny fur Due to its size, a Yorkshire will adapt to older children who respect him more than younger children, as they may accidentally harm the dog. Due to their small size, Yorkies are not suitable for families with young children, so most breeders do not sell puppies to people whose children are under 5 or 6 years old, it is very easy for children to drop them or stand on them. As for other animals and regardless of which house they live in, they will get along well with other resident dogs and cats, as long as they have grown up with them.

But they go after strange dogs, even those ten times over them, and protecting them from themselves becomes the job of the people who own Yorkies. If a new pet is brought into the home, the Yorkie will be jealous of it and may want to challenge the new guest. And if a fight does, he will fight to the death, so be careful when introducing your Yorkie to a new animal. 

