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Feeding cats suffering from diarrhea

Feeding cats suffering from diarrhea

Because of the difficulty in digesting fats, vets always recommend avoiding them in meals feeding cats that suffer from diarrhea, but what is the alternative to help your cat overcome diarrhea? It is therefore not surprising that many of the diets recommended for cats with digestive disorders are relatively low in fat.

Feeding cats

An exciting experience for cats suffering from diarrhea

In order to treat diarrhea in cats, scientists always try to find out what are the causes that increase or develop some diseases, and among these diseases is diarrhea in animals, especially cats, so they did this unique experiment Scientists divided 60 cats suffering from chronic diarrhea into two groups. One group was fed a low-fat diet (24% of calories) while the other group ate a high-fat diet (45% of calories) for six weeks. During this period, cat breeders monitored the shape of the cat's feces. They used a "pictorial stool grade chart" ranging from 0 to 100. Where 0 means that the diarrhea is very watery, while 100 means that the diarrhea is hard and dry

And according to the researchers, the result was as follows:

1- The stools of scores of cats improved significantly, and 78.2% of cats improved by no less than 25 points on a scale of 100 points or the final stool score of not less than 66. 

2- More than a third of the cats had normal faeces. There were no differences in response to recovery with different diets. Improvement was noted within the first week and significant progression within 3 weeks.

Feeding cats suffering from diarrhea: Do foods rich in fat cause an increase in cat diarrhea?

According to the experience, it seems that fats do not have a significant effect in treating chronic diarrhea in cats. So why do cats who eat both high and low fat diets improve in this study?

The reason for this was that both the high-fat and low-fat diets were easily digestible.

Digestion is the term that's often used for pet feeding, but its actual meaning isn't always well understood. Simply put, the portion of the digestible food is what the body absorbs. The indigestible parts of the diet are eliminated from the body in feces. Pet food manufacturers can set a number for digestion with feeding experiments. For example, if a cat eats 50 grams of food per day and passes 5 grams of feces per day, then it absorbs 45 grams of food in its body. Of course, this percentage is very good, because it means that the food was 90% easy to digest.

So, next time your cat suffers from chronic diarrhea, you should look for foods that contain easily digestible ingredients, regardless of their fat content. As not exhausting the cat's stomach will not cause the irritation that causes diarrhea significantly.

