How to choose a cat litter box.
The liter box is the cat litter box or cat litter box. Which is one of the important things that you should pay attention to before owning a cat at home.
How do we choose the liter box forcats
Liter Box comes in certain shapes and types. It is round, rectangular, and closed from the top. The Letter Box for cats varies in color. All of this does not mean anything to cats greatly, what matters is the cat's ability to move inside the liter box, so you must first choose a liter box large enough to accommodate the size of your cat
Likewise, for kittens, you should choose a liter box with low sides, because the inability of kittens to climb the walls of the liter box may cause cats to avoid using the liter box. You can use any cat litter box, such as fruit boxes, for example, but you have to line them well with plastic and tarpaulin to prevent leakage and ease of cleaning. Or you can buy a liter box from a pet supply store near you.
How to prepare sand for the liter box for cats
You should fill a liter box or cat litter box with sand. In the past, breeders used yellow sand used in building materials, but now many very good alternatives have appeared for cat breeders, which make raising cats easier, cleaner and safer.
There are many types of sand for cats. In pet shops, stores, and clinics you will find plenty of them. The new sand types have a distinctive aromatic smell to cover up the annoying smell of cat litter. But you must first try a sample of these types before bringing it, because some cats are averse to the smell of this sand and this causes them not to use the liter box. Therefore, if you are going to buy a type of sand with a strong smell, you must make sure that your cat accepts this type.
There is also a type of crystal sand that can be washed many times after use, this type is very practical, and it is also characterized by being odorless, so you have to pay attention when buying cat sand to make sure of its type, smell and ease of cleaning.
If you cannot find a suitable type of sand from a pet supply store, you can use building sand temporarily until you get the right type for your cat.
Where to place the cat litter box
The liter box can be placed in any quiet place in the house and it does not go through much, you can choose a quiet corner of the house in which family members do not sit continuously and there is not much movement and activity. Because cats need some privacy, so choose a quiet place in the corner of the house and put the liter box in it.
You should be careful and do not place the litter box next to the cat's food. Because cats use the sense of smell to recognize the surrounding environment, so it must differentiate between the place of food and the place of elimination.
You should choose a place where cats can easily reach. You should not put the liter box in a closed room, for example, because this may mean that the cat sometimes will find the door closed and it will understand that this place cannot be passed to it, and therefore you neglect the liter box.
It is also possible in large homes to put more than one litter box on the sides of the house or villa, because cats love to move and wander around the house, so do not expect cats to catch the waste until they walk a long distance to reach the litter box. If you own a large house, you must provide more than one litter box.
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