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7 insects that infect dogs and cats ... Beware of them very much

 7 insects that infect dogs and cats ... Beware of them very much

7 insects that infect dogs and cats ... Beware of them very much

Usually many forms of insects appear in dogs and cats in the summer for those who are used to raising pets of all kinds. Knowing the types and shapes of these insects is an important stage for proper disposal and elimination.

Why should you get rid of insects in your dog or cat?

Because this is your responsibility in the first place. Your pet is your responsibility with regards to food, good company, and the provision of all amenities, including treatment from diseases and insects. Cats and dogs insects are not only harmful to the skin and skin of the dog, but they may transmit many diseases to the dog through blood, and therefore it is a dangerous type of infection that should not be tolerated.

Dog and cat insects may transmit many bacteria, parasites, as well as viruses that may threaten the life of your pet, so when any sign of insects appears, you must act quickly and consult a veterinarian you trust to find the best treatment.

7 most insects that infect dogs and cats

1- Fleas

It is one of the bloodsucking insects that jump into the bodies of our pets and hide in their fur and then begin to prick the skin of the animals and feed on the blood. Fleas get used to hiding in the head, neck, groin and area around the tail in pets such as dogs and cats and it causes intense itching as one of the primary symptoms of flea infestation. When severe itching appears in your dog or cat, it is a clear indication of insect infestation, after which the infection may develop according to the type of insect and according to dealing with it. The flea bite and flea saliva contain a substance that causes severe allergic reactions in pets.

A flea bite may also cause redness, swelling, and the occurrence of some scales in the skin, as well as possibly causing hair loss. Fleas may also transmit a lot of bacteria and viruses to your pet's body. You may notice your pet scratching its skin and possibly licking and biting the skin to ease the pain. Fleas are treated with Ampoule Pars for dogs and cats, as well as the Ampoule Revolution periodically, and it is one of the most important pillars of dog vaccinations and cat vaccinations to get rid of insects.

2- The tick insect

Ticks are an insect that infects pets, especially dogs. The dog tick relies on sticking to the feet of dogs when it passes by the lawn, as ticks cannot jump like fleas. So she waits on the grass, waiting for any animal to pass by, and then turns to his body through her superior ability to distinguish the heat emanating from the pet's body. Then the tick insect crawls slowly on the pet's fur until it finds a suitable spot to implant its fangs in the animal’s body and suck its blood to feed on.

The tick hides in the pet's head and ears, as well as in the thigh, around the anal area and between the front claws, so you can detect its presence by checking these places periodically.

Ticks grow in size when they begin to feed on your pet's blood, so it can be difficult to detect when they first enter the animal's body. But animals can be protected from them in simple ways. Ticks infect dogs and cats, but it appears more often in dogs because they are animals that go out of the house more often, unlike cats. Because ticks, as we have shown before, cannot jump and need direct physical contact to move from place to place. The tick bite causes redness and swelling in the affected area. Scales may also appear in the biting area, but after the insect is removed from the pet's body.

3- The mite that causes scabies

Mites are the insect responsible for different types of scabies, which infects cats and dogs, as well as some other animals. This insect, which you cannot see with the naked eye, hides in the skin layers of your pet and feeds and lives on it. In order for this insect to reach the lower skin layers, it digs its way through its fangs, which causes allergies and infections in the skin of pets, as well as may cause rot and bacteria.

If a cat or dog becomes infected with scabies, you will notice that it has spread throughout the body along with other signs such as swelling and redness of the skin, hair loss, scales, pus, and others. To determine the type of injury, the veterinarian takes a sample of the skin for analysis (a swab of the skin) so that he can determine the type of injury and thus how to treat it properly.

4- Mosquitoes and mosquitoes

Pets can feel a mosquito bite and mosquito bite as soon as it occurs. Therefore, the cat or dog may lick its body suddenly or sudden movement due to its feeling of pain from taking the mosquito or mosquito. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes may attack any part of the body, but they occur more often in large areas of the body, such as the sides and back. As a result of biting mosquitoes and mosquitoes, you may see redness of the affected area, as well as swelling and blood collections due to that. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes may transmit heartworm larvae, which may cause the death of your pet.

5- Bee and wasp stings for dogs and cats

Like a mosquito bite, the effects of a bee or wasp bite have an immediate effect at the site of the injury when the insect bites an animal. Bites from bees and wasps are characterized by the fact that they cause great pain to pets, which may prompt them to scream and run from the severity of the pain. If a bee bite hits the dog’s feet, it may lead to temporary lameness .. And the poison in a bee bite, if it gets into the blood, causes inflammation, severe swelling, as well as redness. Also, being bitten by a cat or dog by a bee may cause vomiting and diarrhea and may cause a drop in blood pressure. The animals most susceptible to these bites are those on farms and in the vicinity of agricultural lands in particular.

6- Ants may sting your pet as well.

Ants may live in some household pets such as dogs and cats, especially in their early stages of life. Fortunately, the ant bite has a local effect only and does not cause blood traces, but its effects are only local. An ant bite causes itching and redness, and sometimes it may cause some lameness in small animals if the bite is strong.

7- Flying insects of all kinds

Like mosquitoes ants, the bite of flying insects of all kinds may cause local effects at the site of the bite. Flying insects may sting small animals, as well as animals that are aging or who have reached the age of older than 8 years, because they may not be able to move as often. The bite of flying insects causes redness and some sensitivity at the sting site on the pet's body. The danger of flying insects lies in the possibility of laying their eggs on the body of the pet, and thus within days the eggs may hatch and the larvae hide inside the skin of the animals, thus the occurrence of pus collections, redness, swelling and bleeding. In advanced cases, bacterial infection may occur due to the larvae on the skin.

*This was a group of the seven most common insects that infect dogs and cats. The danger of insects is not only in the local impact of the bite, but in the consequences and multiplication of these effects. Therefore, we always recommend giving the periodic vaccinations on time in order to prevent your pet from any health complications. Also, we always recommend a periodic examination to ensure that there are no infections that we cannot detect at home. The veterinarian conducts periodic checks on the skin, fur, and eyes, and the work of a blood test, as well as examining the internal organs of the animal to ensure the complete safety of your pet. Therefore, do not neglect your pets when any symptoms appear on them, and we recommend periodic examination whenever possible.

