The characteristics of the Pomeranian dog are a friend of famous and great people
Pomeranian dogs are small domestic dogs that resemble foxes in terms of their face and have a long and interesting history. In this article, we will present to you the characteristics of the Pomeranian dog, its history of origin, its personality, features and methods of caring for it. He is characterized by a high level of vitality, activity and strong will, as he is a very loyal, loyal and obedient friend to his family and companions. It has thick white or brown fur, and its appearance is very beautiful and elegant.
Pomeranian dog characteristics and colors in detail
He is the smallest member of the Spitz family of dogs, and despite his small size, he has a strong, independent and unique personality. This strain was named by this name because it originated in Germany and Poland, which was known in ancient times as Pomerania. They became very famous when Queen Victoria allowed her Pomeranian to be shown in a demonstration, and it was the first Pomeranian to ever be shown. It is a nice and somewhat feisty dog, in addition to the Pomeranian dog that is intelligent and very loyal to its families and friends. But don't let their charisma fool you, these daring dogs have extremely intelligent minds, and are known for their vigilance and curiosity for everything that revolves around them.
Oddly enough, they feel much bigger than they really are, which can sometimes lead them to harass and attack dogs older than them. They can also adapt and interact well with other animals if they are properly raised and trained.
Characteristics of the Pomeranian dog
Black is a popular color for Pomeranian dogs The length of this breed dog ranges from 22 cm to 36 cm and weighs one and a half to three kilograms. You can easily recognize it as a Pomeranian has a strong head with erect ears, and some describe it as resembling a fox. Pomeranian dogs have several colors, such as red, white, orange, cream, blue, or brown, while black is the most common. Its size is small, as we explained, but its voice is very loud and characterized by distinctive barking, so it can be one of the excellent guard dogs as it alerts its friends to the dangers.
It is also a suitable dog for the elderly and those who are busy for a long time, because it has an independent personality and does not depend too much on its owner. If you do not have a garden in your home, then it is your desired dog, as its small size qualifies it to live inside the apartments as it is one of the most famous domestic dogs He has a lot of energy and enjoys going for walks and walks. He is very curious and loves to meet new people and explore new places and smells. The dog can be trained in obedience, agility, tracking objects and playing with volleyball, it is very intelligent and can be trained quickly. Pomeranian dogs bring happiness and joy to the sick and elderly in hospitals and nursing homes.
The history and origins of the Pomeranian dogs
The Pomeranian is a Pomeranian that was developed from ancient Spitz breeds in the far north of the country, it is the smallest member of the Spitz family of dogs. It also closely resembles its close relatives of Alaskan Malamute Dogs, Samoyed Dogs and American Eskimos. The Pomeranian breed was much larger in the past than it is today, as it weighed more than 12 kg. In 1761, the Pomeranian dogs moved to England when the princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Sophie Charlotte, married the English Prince who became King George III. She brought with her a pair of white Pomeranians called Phoebe and Mercury, who weighed more than 8 kg. But during the reign of Queen Charlotte's granddaughter, whose name was Queen Victoria, she created a grouping of more than 15 different breeds of dogs.
She was especially fond of the Pomeranian dynasty, which she first saw in 1888 during her trip to Italy. I fell in love with the Pomeranian dog called Marco, which weighed 3 and a half kilograms. Dog Marco has entered many competitions, competitions and dog shows under the name of the Queen and has won many honors. Queen Victoria had a Pomeranian dog, a female named Gina who also became a champion in dog shows in London. Victoria loved this breed so much that when she was on her deathbed, she asked to bring her favorite dog (named Tori) to her bed. Victoria's love for this breed inspired dog breeders to start breeding Pomeranian dogs.
From 1900 until the 1930s, the Pomeranian dog often had the largest number of entries to the Croftts Dog Show, a British championship. During this time, the size and weight of the breed decreased to its current weight and the development of its distinctive fur, and there became many colors for this breed. Pomeranian dogs gained popularity in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, and they remain a popular dog breed today. It was officially recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Foundation in 1888
Celebrities who raised the Pomeranian dog
Clergyman Martin Luther: Who had a bum called Bill Verlaine, which he mentioned a lot in his writings.
Michelangelo painter: He owns a dog of this breed, as he used to sit a Pomeranian dog on a satin pillow and watched him paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Physicist Isaac Newton: He also had this dog and his name was Diamond, and the dog chewed many of his scrolls.
Composer Mozart: He owned a dog from this breed, which he dedicated a song to his name, due to his love for this nice dog.
The character and features of the Pomeranian dog
Pomeranian dog is very intelligent and energetic, loves meeting new people and gets along well with other animals. He is characterized by being alert and inquisitive, so he is an excellent guard dog and will bark when anything out of the ordinary happens, so teach him to stop barking at the right time, because he may continue to bark throughout the day. Due to the dog's sometimes feisty nature, proper training and socialization are absolutely essential. Like any dog, the dog of this breed needs early socialization and exposure to many people when it is young, so socialization will help ensure that a Boom puppy grows to be a good, well-groomed dog.
Health problems that afflict this strain
Some hereditary health problems can occur in the Pomeranian dog breed so you should be aware of these diseases and health problems, such as:
**Thigh joint deformity
**Dislocated knee
**Tracheal problems
**Retinal atrophy in the eye
Ways to care for the Pomeranian dog
One of the characteristics of the Pomeranian dog is its long hair, so its hair must be combed frequently This dog has long fur, so you should regularly and regularly brush and brush your dog's fur several times a week. And his nails must be trimmed regularly, to keep them clean at all times. Pomeranians can also suffer from dental problems, so it is important to brush your dog's teeth regularly and on a daily basis, or at least twice a week. They have a moderate activity level and will enjoy short daily walks and spend enough time with the family and play with them, and daily exercises are very important to maintain the health and activity of the dog.
A dog of this breed loves to learn new things so teaching them tricks is a perfect way to bond with them while providing them with exercise and mental stimulation. It is also a quick bored dog, so keep the training sessions short and fun, and always reward your dog if he does something nice or does what you instruct him to do.
Does the Pomeranian dog adapt to children and other animals?
Pomeranian loves to play and have fun, but it is best for him to be in a home with older children who can be trusted while playing and dealt with carefully. Many breeders refuse to sell puppies to homes with very young children, so although they are strong, they may become very easily injured if the child drops them or steps on them by mistake. Always show children how to approach and deal with dogs, and monitor them for no injuries.
A Pomeranian dog can adapt well to other small cats and dogs in the home, especially if they have been bred together from a young age.
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