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The best types of guard dogs in pictures. Fatal ferocity

 The best types of guard dogs in pictures. Fatal ferocity
1-Belgian Malino dog
Belgian Malino dog

Types of guard dogs pictures Malino Belgian dog The Malino is one of the dogs that many mistake it for, as some believe it is a German Shepherd dog of a different color. But the Malino is a completely different dog. The Malino has very short hair compared to the German Shepherd dog, and the Malino has a more slender body. Malino dog is one of the police dogs, as well as guard dogs that are suitable for personal guard tasks and guarding facilities The Malino has a very loyal personality, and he is a very energetic and very stubborn dog at the same time. In order to be able to benefit from the Malino dog in guarding, you must raise him from childhood and train him well from childhood.
Also, the exercises should be on a daily basis in order to refine the character of the dog and help him develop his guarding talent. Because of its sharp intelligence, the Malino will respond very quickly whenever you train continuously. The Malino dog is one of the best types of guard dogs because of its innate instinct for protection and guarding, as it does not like strangers and is always suspicious of their entry into his area of ​​influence. Of course, with serious training for this breed. You should train in good socialization so that he is a friendly dog ​​to your family members as well.
2-Rottweiler or Rottweiler dog
Rottweiler or Rottweiler dog
The best types of guard dogs are Rottweiler dog Rottweiler dog is one of the wonderful and very famous guard dogs all over the world. It is distinguished by a large and muscular body, and is distinguished by extreme obedience and loyalty to its owner. Rottweiler dogs are known for their guarded nature, they are a guard dog by nature, as they have a heart that does not enter fear and very intense attention and their alertness is rare. In addition, it is a very friendly dog, so it is considered one of the best domestic dogs that can be acquired as it loves children and is good at playing with them without harm or exposing them to any risks.
Rottweiler dog is characterized by its rapid reaction to anything strange or dangerous surrounding his family, it is a dog that does not think twice about defending its owner until death. But it should be noted that this strain needs daily training and correction of their behavior all the time because they are very stubborn and have a strong personality that must always be put under control.
3-Akita dog
Akita dog

Akita dog is the best guard dog The Akita dog is one of the dog breeds that is difficult to train and acquire, so it is recommended by experts in breeding. As it is difficult to raise an Akita dog if you are raising dogs for the first time. But despite that, these dogs are one of the best types of guard dogs that defend their place and their family. He is distinguished by a huge body, as it weighs 50 kg. It also reaches a height of 70 cm from the ground. As for the personality of Akita dogs, they are courageous, serious and friendly towards their friends and family. The Akita dog is characterized by friendliness and love towards his family, as he endures a lot of his family without anger or blame.
On the other hand, he is not friendly at all with strangers, and he may kill any stranger in the vicinity of his home without any understanding. Therefore, training an Akita dog well helps to keep his personality under control without a problem. It also helps him guard and watch excellently.
4-German Shepherd dog or German Shepherd
German Shepherd dog or German Shepherd

German Shepherd dog is one of the best types of guard dogs The German Shepherd dog has an impressive reputation, being one of the famous dogs that has been with humans for decades. The German dog has the instinct of guarding and protection innately, so any list containing the best 5 types of guard dogs will not be without this great breed. In addition to his guarding abilities, the German dog is very easy to train on any matter, and seasoned dog trainers know this. Therefore, it is a very good dog for beginners, and will meet all the needs of guarding the house as well as it is a family dog ​​who is friendly and loves his family.
German dog is characterized by barking, as it is one of the most common types of dogs that bark for any reason.
Also, a German dog can be tamed so that it does not attack or display any violence towards the guests. Therefore, it is a suitable dog for any purpose, whether guarding or home breeding
5-Giant Schnautzer dog
Giant Schnautzer dog

It is a huge, strong, intelligent, and daring dog .. Qualities suitable for a dog to be the best guard dog in the world. Giant Schnautzer dog is known for its special abilities that made it the best police dog that is used in special missions. In addition, this dog was used in the First and Second World War, and this is sufficient to introduce its supernatural abilities. In addition to its wonderful qualities, the Giant Schnauzer dog or (Giant Schnautz) is easy to train, for example German Shepherd dogs, and like all dogs, this dog is very loyal to its owner, so it is one of the most obedient and loyal dogs to its owners. 
The size of an adult dog of the huge Schnautzer breed reaches a height of 71 cm, and weighs about 47 kg. It also has the added advantage of the face shape and hair around it, which makes it very scary to strangers. You will notice that this dog barks a warning when approaching anyone he does not know, it is smart and alerts its owners to the dangers without fear or hesitation.
6-Dobermann dog
Dobermann dog

Dobermann dog is one of the very famous and ancient dog breeds, as it has been domesticated and bred in many homes and with many families. Thanks to his height and slender body, he has also been used as an army and police dog. He has very great energy and is an energetic dog, smart, alert, loyal and obedient to the utmost degree to his owner. If you are looking for a dog for family, guarding, and personal friendship, you should consider the Doberman Pinscher without a doubt. Dobermans maintain a very strong relationship with the family he lives with, so he watches them as if they were part of him and is ready to die for them. But this dog needs daily training to maintain its agility and strength that distinguishes it.
Thanks to its great intelligence, Dobermann dog will learn quickly, and without any problems, it is an easy dog ​​to train for anything you want, whether as a guard dog, hunting or family dog. A well-trained Doberman dog will act immediately in the event that a stranger appears in the vicinity of his home or family, so it is your desired dog if you are looking for the best guard dog for the home or establishment.
Mastiff dog

It is the best type of guard dog according to recent evaluations of many specialists in dog training all over the world. The mastiff is the preferred choice for guarding because of its many advantages. Thanks to their fearful and confident appearance, and their innate guarding instinct, the Bulldogs are great guard dogs. In addition, this breed can adapt to the family's life, as it is friendly towards children if it is trained well. The Mastiff is obedient and intelligent, but on the condition that it is trained well by a specialized person. He should always feel that he is part of the family because he loves to be the focus of attention due to his unique and wonderful personality.

As you give him attention, love, and training, you will notice rare loyalty and fierce obedience in whatever you command him to do. Also, dogs urine mastiff can distinguish between strangers and friends with frequent training, as he can read body language and make decisions easily. He also has a high observation power that helps him distinguish situations and dangers and take appropriate reactions to the situation. He has a very massive body, as his weight reaches 59 kg. Its length reaches 69 cm, it is a huge, mobile muscle mass and it has great strength that needs training to control it.

